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Day Frocking Two

Day Frocking Two

Today’s dress is a Cooper Street cocktail dress, with an H&M belt. For sale if it strikes your fancy, as are all of the dresses I’ll wear this month. I wonder how long it’ll take me to have a complete freak out and come to work wearing a toga. That’s a dress, kinda.
So, off topic, but I was watching The Blacklist last night – for those of you that wait for TV shows to screen naturally; this is a new show starring that guy from Boston Legal… James Spader. It’s about a terrorist (Spader) who is obsessed with an FBI profiler (A cute, inexperienced girl) and he offers to help her catch other terrorists. That’s right, it’s like Silence of the Lambs, but without the charisma.
The thing that annoyed me, other than Spader’s smug superiority complex that he seems to bring to every role he’s ever been in, was the fact that even at the two episode mark, I can see that each one will follow the same formula.
1. Bad guy (Spader) will reveal a terrorist plot
2. Plot will come to pass
3. Girl will feel responsible
4. Men will be called to take over job
5. Bad guy will steal a hat and slowly walk away, which seems like he’s running, but in actual fact he’s helping (You can tell by the jaunty hat)
6. Everything is ok. Except for the 200 people who just died
7. Everyone drinks scotch
The end.


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